Join Us
Membership Guidelines
Acceptable mediums: 2D and 3D fine art, published authors, and potters.
Shows may be juried to maintain quality and adherence to standards.
Membership is limited to full-time South Carolina residents.
Crafts are not within our focus; we appreciate your understanding.
Thank you for being a part of WNAA and contributing to the cultural richness of our community!

*Individual Membership - $45
You receive:
- A promotional slot on our website
- WNAA promotes your events, shows and features you on social media
- You gain access to exclusive WNAA shows and opportunites
*Limited to full-time SC residents

Non-Profit Membership - $75
You receive:
- A promotional slot on our website
- WNAA promotes your events, shows and features you on social media
- You gain access to exclusive WNAA shows and opportunites

Business Sponorship
This is for anyone who wants to donate directly to the Waccamaw Neck Arts Alliance. You will be sponsoring all of our events and art shows. The amount that you donate is up to you but donations start at $100.